Two cheers for mobile: MRMW 2011
How to write a mobile research pitch piece


This is an unabashed plug for an upcoming conference: ESOMAR's 3D Digital Dimensions 2011 to be held October 26-28 in Miami. (Disclosure: I am chair of the Programme Committee.) This will be the latest in a series of thematic ESOMAR conferences that more than any other has charted the evolution of online research from panels to social media to mobile.   It is one of the few conferences that requires a written paper which I have always found is a sure fire way to Esomarelevate the quality of the research that's presented.  It is the seventh in the series that began in 2005 in Budapest and the third to be held in North America. Like its predecessors it will be truly international with presenters from 11 different counties and features keynoters Phillip Sheldrake and Nathan Eagle, two speakers with especially interesting perspectives to share. The program deals with the three main streams of online research: panel, social media, and mobile. There also will be preconference workshops on social media, online ethnography, MROCs, co-creation and mobile.

You can check out the full program here. Hope to see you in Miami.
